The latest issue of JointHealth™ insight provides tools to help you be an informed partner in your healthcare. This issue is divided into two key sections: the first section includes a criterion to help you evaluate the credibility of a health website and the second section highlights new and exciting research from this year’s #CRArthritis event.
ACE hosts #CRArthritis, an annual Facebook and Twitter live event that takes place at the Canadian Rheumatology Association (CRA) and the Arthritis Health Professions Association (AHPA) Annual Scientific Meeting, in partnership with the Canadian Spondylitis Association and the Arthritis Patient Advisory Board of Arthritis Research Canada. In this issue of JointHealth™ insight, we explore this year’s meeting theme of “2020 Vision: A New Decade in Rheumatology” and present a curated guide to a selection of #CRArthritis interviews. These interviews include research highlights, news from patient organizations, and helpful lifestyle tips from healthcare providers.
The latest research from the following topics are covered in this issue:
- Improving access and equity
- Advancements in pediatric rheumatology
- Living well with arthritis
- Arthritis in the workplace
- The future of clinical trials in rheumatology
- Medications for arthritis
- Alternative therapies for pain reduction
- Delivering the best care to patients
- Lupus and the brain
- Osteoarthritis
- Research in other types of arthritis
All interviews can be accessed through YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. To turn on French subtitles, please adjust the YouTube settings for each interview.