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ACE celebrates 20th anniversary: “By, For, and With” People with Arthritis for 20 Years

Arthritis Consumer Experts (ACE) is marking its 20th anniversary with a special edition of JointHealth™ insight. Over the past two decades, their team of dedicated staff – who live with arthritis – have been guided by you, their members and subscribers, and their advisory board of leading scientists, medical professionals and informed arthritis patients. Every day, all day, they work and volunteer to serve the arthritis community and the public.

Since ACE’s founding in 1999, they’ve come a long way. In this issue of JointHealth™ insight, they share some of ACE’s milestones over the years. They cover who ACE serves today and highlight key projects and initiatives from two decades of “changing arthritis”, both locally and internationally:

  • 2000 to 2005: Establishing the Grassroots
  • 2006 to 2010: Pioneering Arthritis Advocacy
  • 2011 to 2015: Raising Arthritis Awareness Across Canada
  • 2016 to 2020: Serving More Than 240,000 Canadians Every Month