Arthritis Research Canada/Arthrite-recherche Canada’s scientific team is tackling challenges faced by over 6 million Canadians living with arthritis – challenges that can interfere with everyday…
In the 42nd episode of Arthritis At Home, Maya Joshi and Cheryl Koehn discuss conquering anxiety and fear related to your arthritis and the process of showing yourself…
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a particularly difficult time for older adults. As the most high-risk age group, many older adults continue to have limited…
On May 13, 2020, the Canadian Spondylitis Association is hosting a free webinar on Chronic Disease Distress (mental health) and invites you to attend!
The seventh episode of #ArthritisAtHome features Dr. Susan Bartlett, Professor of Medicine at McGill University and Adjunct Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins Medicine, on…
“Arthritis At Home” interviews with arthritis experts will be 10 minutes. Our invited guests will feature world experts in clinical rheumatology, arthritis scientists, physio and…
The researchers concluded that identifying depression and anxiety within administrative health databases presents challenges such as misclassification…